Leucistic Texas Rat Snake

Leucistic Texas Rat Snake

The Texas rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) is a subspecies of rat snake, a nonvenomous colubrid found in the United States, primarily within the state of Texas, but its range extends into Louisiana, Arkansas and Oklahoma.[1] It intergrades with other subspecies of Elaphe obsoleta, so exact range boundaries are impossible to distinguish.[2] The epithet lindheimeri is to honor the German-American naturalist Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer, who collected the first specimen in New Braunfels, Texas.

The Rosy Boa

The Rosy Boa

The Rosy Boa (Lichanura trivirgata) is a snake of the Boidae family, one of only two members of that family native to the United States. The other is the Rubber Boa (Charina bottae). The Rosy Boa is native to the American Southwest, and Baja California and Sonora, Mexico.

Rosy Boas spend most of their lives concealed beneath rocks and in crevices to escape the elements and natural predators. Granite outcroppings are the most common geologic association inhabited by the Rosy Boa. Less often they are found in association with volcanic or other rock types. Only in rare places do Rosy Boas inhabit rockless environments. In areas with few rocks Rosy Boas will use rodent burrows for concealment.

Ribbon Snake

Ribbon Snake

this snake is found in north america and it is a type of garter snake.
there are Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western species of ribbon snakes. they’re found all over the US and are all generally the same, other than the climate range, and obviously the part of the country they’re in.
they like to be near water and can be found in forests and rocky hillsides, and most frequently are seen climbing or resting in the dense vegetation around a bog, lake, marsh, pond, stream, river, or even seeping spring.

it is 16-35 inches long
they eat worms, slugs, minnows, insects, small mice, and toads.The typical time for snakes to hunt is in the morning or early evening

Ribbon snakes are also common pets. They are easily found in pet shops for up to 30 dollars. A single snake can fit in a ten gallon terrarium.
and are normally very calm and docile
Ribbon Snakes rarely bite when handled but they do produce a foul musk from their anal glands when they feel threatened.

Worm Snake

Worm Snake

Worm snake is the common name sometimes given to several of snakes. They share the characteristics of small size, primarily subterranean habitat, non-functioning or small eyes, and varying resemblance to earthworms. Many are also known as Blind snakes, the alternative common name. The worm snake is indeed a snake although there are myths of it possibly being a lizard with very tiny legs. There are also myths of the worm snake possibly being the offspring of a male snake and a female worm, this is not true though.